3:37 PM


I Broke Both of my hands...sorry for the intermittent posts :(

1:46 PM

Family Pictures 2009

Mom and Brook had a great time possining for the camera...it was a little harder for the guys:)
But, we finally got Family Pictures!!! It was crazy and long, but we figure we should update our pictures at least every 5 years lol. Hope Yall are doing awesome...lots of love, The Nelson Fam!

7:35 AM

7 months later...

It has been seven months since my last blog update...I dont know why it is so hard to find the time...i turned out to be as bad at facebook as I am at blogging lol.
Kids are growing, kindergarten has started for Brook. She is not sure if she likes it yet.
Ben is trying to ajust to having a little brother that wants his attention 24/7, Im not too sure he is ready for his new side kick.
Baby G is not so baby anymore. He is 19 months old and he is pretty sure hes at least 4. He gets upset When you cant understand his gibberish. . .and its a darn good thing he knows sign language for FOOD cause he would be starving...this is because the kid eats 20 times a day at least. lol:)
Dad is in his last year of Law School, and is always crazy busy. oh yah, and did I mention he is the pres of some Fraternaty. For anyone who knows him, yes I think it is possible for him to fit in a job too...oh wait, he did. lol. and somehow he still makes time for me and the kids. how lucky am i?
I am just trying to rehab my back, and re-align my brain(thats what well call it).
The rest of my life is rolled into a tight ball of kids, pee pee, whyning, diners and unending days, oh wait, and bartering;) And if I get more than 2 showers a week I would say it was a pretty good week! I love my job as mother and wife, even when I hate it. . .and now someone is screaming so its time for me to go.
Loves to you all!
Just because I dont always call doesnt mean that I dont love or miss you!

8:07 PM

Face Book...

I finally gave in and joined 'Face Book'...It is way easier, faster, and I don't have to be anal about the layout being perfect...so if you see less of me here, that is where I am.
You are welcome to check it out, just go to the web and look for my name(Becky Young Nelson)...seriously, SO much easier. So luvs to all! ;)

12:44 PM

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!
I can not believe the new year is already upon us!
But seeing as I have a new year and a new chance to be better about keeping my blog updated it, needles to say, is on my list(for new year resolutions).

Quick update...
Ricky is half way done with Law school at the"Y" :) YAY! and is, of course, in the top of his class.
Becky(me), is tying to stay sain, keep up with the kids, and try to do some good along the way ;)
o ya, and I am still teaching Pilates at 24hr Fitness and Throwdown ETC, and if anyone wants to come try it out, I have free passes.
Big B is 5 now, and is still in Pre-school and is smart, sweet, and for the most part just chill. She is the best big sister to Gavin(who thinks she is life's bread), and is always helping me. I am really lucky to have her!
Ben is 2&1/2, and is on his way to potty training success! YAY!!!! He is a good boy with the energy of a monkey on caffeine(lots) and is constantly running, kicking, and "powing" as he calls it. He loves the power rangers and thinks he is a ninja :) He is forever entertaining us!
Baby G is all flit and smiles(like his dad), and is usually just crawling after everyone. He wishes he could walk and gets really frustrated when his efforts turn into face plants, but he keeps trying :) He thinks that "NO!" means it must be something worth getting into and tries relentlessly to succeed at his getting into whatever it is. His favorites are the garbage can under the sink, the sound dial on the entertainment center, the stairs, and the toilet!
We are one big crazy but happy family!
We are so incredibly blessed!
We love you all,
Merry Christmas(late), and Happy New Year!
(pics coming soon, for real ;)