8:49 PM

February update

We celebrated Ricky's Birthday last month. You can see where Lil B gets his animated expressions! Mom, Dad, & Marsha were there to eat cake and ice cream with us. You can tell by my hot body and radiant face that pregnancy looks great on me(yuck). I can't wait to get back to the gym(seriously)!
Ricky is doing amazing in Law school, of course, and managing to take care of 2 kids and a crazy hormonal pregnant women! I love my husband, he is the coolest person in the world! ;)
Big B is my little helper. She is the sweetest little girl, sometimes I wonder if she is really mine. She has a gymnastics class every week and loves it!
Lil B on the other hand is too much like me and is constantly testing my patients! But he makes up for it by making everyone laugh. The kid is hilarious! He is my little entertainer...as soon as he hears any music he starts getting jiggy.
Baby boys official due date is Feb. 20th, but I have been pleading my case to get an induction scheduled Friday or Monday.
I'll post pics of the new little one and all the stats soon after he arrives!
Oh, and Ricky wants me to let everyone know that his favorite SuperBowl commercials were the E Trade ones with the little baby, "I seriously underestimated the creepiness," I however preferred the little lizards dancing to Thriller!